About Us
Who Are We?
Indeson WBC is a consulting company what operates in the western Balkan countries. We are abranch of Indeson GmbH that is a consulting company that operates worldwide, with a focus on improving the overall educational system. Until now our company has worked on different developing countries such as Kosovo, Malawi, Egypt, Kenya, Sudan, Nigeria, Myanmar, Georgia, etc. Different projects we were incorporated were: developing learning materials for specific occupational profiles, conducting trainings in different occupational fields, aiding and/or creating the national qualification system, researching the educational conditions in certain regions or countries, etc.

Our Mission
Leading in competency based innovation in Western-Balkan Countries
We specialize in meeting the complex requirements in the field of Higher and Vocational Education of international organizations. We commit to long-term partnerships with our clients, developing a thorough knowledge of their business in order to better address their unique challenges in the development of educational systems in all levels.
We offer our service in all required project stages:
- Project identification, planning and management
- Backstopping
- Monitoring and evaluation of activities and outcomes
- Human resource management
- Capacity building of local project personnel
- Logistical support and Research services.
Our Vision
Deliver the best ethical, demand driven solutions for skill development in Western-Balkan Countries

Some projects we have been part of
Youth Employment and Skills (YES) – Kosovo (2018-2021)
YES is a GIZ funded program in partnership with the government of Kosovo that is focused on youth employment promotion, reintegration of returnees, youth engagement, vocational education and training. Indeson WBC was incorporated in the project as implementers in certain projects in the program and did activities such as: overall management, designing, implementing and evaluating trainings that were part of the program, reviewing documents provided by partners and stakeholders, development of national standards for the in-company training methodology, developing materials for the in-company training such as curriculums, training guidelines, training materials, learning aids, etc.
“Improving the vocational education in mechatronics, electrical and sanitary installations in Kosovo” – Kosovo (2020 -2021)
The project “Improving the vocational education in mechatronics, electrical and sanitary installations in Kosovo” is a strategic alliance between GIZ develoPPP.de and Hymeri Group to improve VET in the fields of mechatronics, electrical installations and sanitary installations (plumbing) in Kosovo in accordance with labour market needs. Indeson’s involvement on the project included activities such as developing three (in the field of mechatronics, electric installation and plumbing) short-term
training programs that are labour market-oriented, this includes development of the programs curriculas’ and teaching materials.