Cook Expert

As a Cook Expert you will be engaged in:
  • Development of Occupational Standard for Cook Profile in Kosovo
  • Development of Curricula for Cook Profile in Kosovo
  • Development of the Teacher’s Instructional Manual (TIM) for the Cook Profile
    for grade 10,11 and 12
  • Development of the Student’s Instructional Manual (SIM) for the Cook Profile
    for grade 10, 11 and 12
  • Undertake the training needs assessment for each of the teachers/instructors
  • Provision of a detailed planning for training for each module of the training
    learning materials
  • Provision of high quality of curricula implementation training by including the latest local and international standards and trends for teachers and instructors.
People interested to apply should have the following qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s degree in cooking, catering, tourism or any related field in the
    Cook sector
  • Proficient knowledge in English
  • 10 years of experience in development and implementation of renewable
    energy project
  • Team skills
  • Initiative
  • Communication skills
  • Sociocultural competence
  • Efficient, partner/client-focused working methods
  • Interdisciplinary thinking.
Specific qualifications an interested applicant should have are:
  • 10 years of experience in cooking, catering and/or Hotel, Restaurant and
    Catering education and training sector
  • 5 years of experience in curriculum development, learning material
    development and the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering fields.
Other information:
If you are interested in applying in the Cook Expert position, please attached your CV below. Please also sign the consent agreement for data protection and attach it to your application. We look forward to receiving your application!
Contact person:
Rita Kastrati
+383 45 260 440
Job Vacancy

Technical Expert of The Energy Production Sector

As a technical expert you will be engaged in:
  • Giving guidance on the establishment of different organizational and financial areas of Community Energy Projects
  • Giving guidance on the operation of different organizational and financial areas of Community Energy Project 
  • Developing a Road Map for the integration of Community Energy Projects with specific focus on the status quo analysis and barriers for integration

People interested to apply should have the following qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in the Energy field
  • Proficient knowledge in English
  • 10 years of experience in development and implementation of renewable energy project
  • Team skills
  • Initiative
  • Communication skills
  • Sociocultural competence
  • Efficient, partner/client-focused working methods
  • Interdisciplinary thinking

Specific qualifications an interested applicant should have are:

  • 5 years of experience in development and implementation of Community Energy Projects in one of following countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany or Italy
  • 2 years of experience in development and implementation of CEP in the region

Indeson is a consulting company that offers a wide range of services that aid clients in proper planning, implementing and measuring their initiatives and objectives.  Our mission is delivering the best ethical, demand driven solutions for skill development.

What do we offer?

  • Our company values team working and creating a friendly work environment, not only for the improved quality of work such environments provide but for the emotional and psychological health of our employees as well.
  • Our team consist of member with different backgrounds, multilingual and a passion for what they do
  • We enable flexible work arrangements, including flexible working hours, mobile or remotely
Job Vacancy

Industrial Mechatronics Technology Content Developer

As an Industrial Mechatronics Technology Content Developer you will be engaged in:

  • Providing technical expertise in the Kenyan curriculum of Industrial
  • Drafting and/or cross-checking hybrid (a healthy combination of e-learning
    and conventional learning) learning concept for Industrial Mechatronics
  • Integration of selected Unit of Competencies into the teaching plan of the
    Industrial Mechatronics Technology curriculum
  • Creation of Teaching Training and Learning Material (TTLM) for hybrid
    learning content for the curriculum of Industrial Mechatronics Technology
  • Procurement of ready-to-buy/off-the-shelf solutions for hybrid learning
    content of the
    curriculum of Industrial Mechatronics Technology
  • Ensuring technical quality and relevance to the industry of the overall hybrid
    learning approach and learning materials
  • Training of new and existing staff according to the curriculum of Industrial
    Mechatronics Technology
  • Beta-testing of learning materials
  • Coaching and mentoring activities for the successful adoption into practice of
    the hybrid

People interested to apply should have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelors’s degree in Engineering or Plant/Factory Management
  • Proficient knowledge in English
  • 5 years of experiences in Industrial Engineering
  • 5 years of experiences in the training of companies/industry stakeholders in the field of Industrial Mechanics/Operations/Electronics
  • Team skills
  • Initiative
  • Communication skills
  • Sociocultural competence
  • Efficient, partner/client-focused working methods
  • Interdisciplinary thinking

Specific qualifications an interested applicant should have are:

  • 5 years of training experience or work experience in Africa, of which 4 years
    in Kenya


  • 2 years of experience in the creation of or working with digital/hybrid
    learning formats/materia.

Indeson is a consulting company that offers a wide range of services that aid clients in proper planning, implementing and measuring their initiatives and objectives.  Our mission is delivering the best ethical, demand driven solutions for skill development.

What do we offer?

  • Our company values team working and creating a friendly work environment, not only for the improved quality of work such environments provide but for the emotional and psychological health of our employees as well.
  • Our team consist of member with different backgrounds, multilingual and a passion for what they do
  • We enable flexible work arrangements, including flexible working hours, mobile or remotely
Job Vacancy

Team Leader

As a team leader you will be engaged in:

  • Planning and steering assignments
  • Creating operational plans that support the forming of the project, the
    implementation of the project and the following up of the project
  • Personnel management
  • Providing high-level expert advice on digital/hybrid (a healthy combination of
    e-learning and conventional learning) learning formats
  • Managing the quality of the services provided
  • Managing the deadline for different activities
  • Coordinating and ensuring communication between partners, clients,
    stakeholders, etc.
  • Identifying the need for short-term, long-term and mid-term assignments
    within the available budget
  • Supporting local and international short-term experts
  • Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines

People interested to apply should have the following qualifications: 

  • Master’s degree in Social Sciences, TVET, Information Technology or
  • Proficient knowledge in English
  • 10 years of professional experience in the development of digital/hybridteaching and learning formats and materials
  • 6 years of management/leadership experience as project team leader or manager in a company
  • Team skills
  • Initiative
  • Communication skills
  • Sociocultural competence
  • Efficient, partner/client-focused working methods
  • Interdisciplinary thinking

Specific qualifications an interested applicant should have are:

  • 4 of professional experience with Learning Management Systems
  • 5 years of training experience or work experience in Africa
  • 6 years of experience working on Content Development projects

Indeson is a consulting company that offers a wide range of services that aid clients in proper planning, implementing and measuring their initiatives and objectives.  Our mission is delivering the best ethical, demand driven solutions for skill development.

What do we offer?

  • Our company values team working and creating a friendly work environment, not only for the improved quality of work such environments provide but for the emotional and psychological health of our employees as well.
  • Our team consist of member with different backgrounds, multilingual and a passion for what they do
  • We enable flexible work arrangements, including flexible working hours, mobile or remotely

Quality Management, Monitoring & Evaluating

Quality Management

Analyzing the best quality management system that assures quality throughout the input, process and output sequence, while providing feedback for continuous improvement to meet the changing needs of educational TVET systems. To assure quality throughout the managing of different projects we offer:

  • Managing quality processes
  • Achieving quality policies and objectives
  • Engaging staff in all aspects of development


Education Management Systems

In the regard on management and quality assurance on educational systems we provide:

  • Specially designed programs to monitor and evaluate the performance of education programs.
  • Managing the distribution and allocation of educational resources.
  • Offering education management solutions.


Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programs set up by governments, international organizations and NGOs. Its goal is to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact and we are directly involved in the development of monitoring and evaluation tools.

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Curriculum, Assessment & Certification

As part of training and capacity development of different projects we provide:

  • Assessment
  • Certification
  • Curriculum Development
  • Facilitation of Workshops
  • Occupational Profiles and Standards


Development of assessment processes – which is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what learners know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences.


Identifying the regional accreditation and certification system, comparing education and training systems among the concurring countries. This enables harmonization and standardization of their curricular programs and qualifications.

Curriculum Development

Based on the occupational standards and profiles we develop the curriculum.  A curriculum is content developed specific to the respective occupation, company profile, the region and content that is targeted towards work-and company related integrative knowledge. It is also targeted at business-process-related organizational development in the area of educational planning and practical training for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions and training companies.

Facilitation of Workshops

We facilitate the necessary validation workshop with the goal to finalize all the key elements of the project design and ensure agreement and support for the new qualification/curriculum/services by key partners.

Occupational Profiles and Standards

Occupational Profiles (OP) refers to the transparency of the labour market, what are the specific tasks and duties of a specific trade in the world of work and linking the tasks and duties to the curriculum and training materials on how to retain and do the specific task. We have extensive experience in this area.

We assist in determining the National Occupational Standards (NOS) of a specific occupation. NOS are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.

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Training & Capacity Development


Assistance in providing package of educational content, training strategy, new set of skills and new methodologies for training delivery are among the activities we are involved in developing.

Training Materials

Instructional Materials, also known as Teaching/Learning Materials (TLM), are any collection of materials including animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired learning objectives based on TVET instructions. We have developed these internationally based on individual national needs.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training

TVET is providing broad based technical knowledge and transversal skills on which different occupations can be based on and providing continuing vocational training to workers.  It uses formal, non-formal and informal learning and its one of our expertise areas.

Capacity Development

Developing a plan guaranteeing that business maximizes its potential activities and production output under all circumstances and analyzing steps for the management of this process. All while giving access and developing a process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, develop, and maintain the capabilities (skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources) needed to do their jobs competently.

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Research & Labour Market Survey


Companies and different projects need specific approaches to achieve their wanted results. We offer tailored research for different fields of occupation in areas such as:

  • Labour Market surveys
    • We specialize in labour market surveys particularly relating to mismatches in current demand for and supply of a trained labour force
  • Policies and legislations
  • Demand and supply of products/services
  • Trained capacities availability
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Policies & Legal


Looking at the match between the supply of skills from formal education and the demand for new/specialized skills continually generated in the labor market and devising appropriate policies to fill any gaps that may be identified and to align educational provision with the need of the labor market.


Legislation has a major role to play in changing educational systems to vocational based education. We help to revise and harmonize the pace and nature of reform and support our customers to keep pace with the changing practices at national and local levels.

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You are a start-up or want to grow your business to the next level? We are here for you!

From getting your business plan right to finding the staff you need, we do it all – in a very personal and effective way.

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