Skill Development
We are a dedicated team of consulting professionals and scientists with extensive experience in all stages of educational projects. From short-term support to end-to- end development projects, we have the experience and expertise to meet the most demanding education development needs.
About Us
Indeson WBC was founded and opened in 2019, with a dynamic team led by Dr. Rainer Gerke and Faton Deshishku. With extensive expertise and dedication, indeson WBC strives to deliver the most value-added solutions to its clients to ensure best practices. We believe the value in today’s education systems require the right expertise and resources. We offer our clients a wide range of consulting services that help them better plan, implement, and measure their learning initiatives and objectives.

Our Mission
Leading in competency based innovation in Western-Balkan Countries
We specialize in meeting the complex requirements in the field of Higher and Vocational Education of international organizations. We commit to long-term partnerships with our clients, developing a thorough knowledge of their business in order to better address their unique challenges in the development of educational systems in all levels. We offer our service in all required project stages:
- Project identification, planning and management
- Backstopping
- Monitoring and evaluation of activities and outcomes
- Human resource management
- Capacity building of local project personnel
- Logistical support and Research services.

Our Vision
Deliver the best ethical, demand driven solutions for skill development in Western-Balkan Countries
TVET is understood as comprising education, training and skills development relating to a wide range of
occupational fields, production processes, services and livelihoods. As a component of lifelong learning,
TVET can take place at secondary, post-secondary and tertiary levels. It includes work-based learning,
continuing training and professional development that may lead to qualifications.

Report: The digitalization of TVET and Skills Systems
This joint ILO-UNESCO report provides a global, high-level overview of how digitalization is affecting TVET and skills systems. It draws on consultations with key stakeholders in a set of countries and international organizations to provide insights into the nature and scope of digitalisation and how it is likely to affect the management, delivery, assessment and certification of technical and vocational education and training. The study draws on developments in Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, New Zealand, Slovenia, Turkey and the United States.
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